Articles on: RealWear

More Options

More Options

Say “MORE OPTIONS” to display additional camera adjustment settings.

The following additional camera options are available:
Aspect ratio
Field of View (FOV)
Frame rate
Image resolution
Video resolution
Video stabilization

More Options

More Options Voice Commands

Aspect Ratio

Say “ASPECT RATIO” to view the aspect ratio options. To change the aspect ratio, say “SIXTEEN BY NINE” or “FOUR BY THREE”.

Aspect Ratio

Field of View

Say “FIELD OF VIEW” to view the FOV options. To change the FOV, say “WIDE” or “NARROW”.

Field of View

Frame Rate

Say “FRAME RATE” to view the frame rate options. To change the frame rate, say “FIFTEEN”, “TWENTY FIVE”, or “THIRTY”.

Frame Rate

Image Resolution

Say “IMAGE RESOLUTION” to view the image resolution options. To change the image resolution, say “HIGH” or “LOW”.

Image Resolution

Video Resolution

Say “VIDEO RESOLUTION” to view the video resolution options. To change the video resolution, say “FOUR EIGHTY P”, “SEVEN TWENTY P”, or “TEN EIGHTY P”.

Video Resolution

Video Stabilization

Say “VIDEO STABILIZATION” to view the video stabilization options. To turn video stabilization ON or OFF, say “ON” or “OFF”, respectively.
Note: Video stabilization provides compensation for movement for smoother video recording.

Video Stabilization

Updated on: 04/12/2022

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