Articles on: RealWear

Wearing the Headsets (with long hair guidance included!)

Positioning is Key!

The HMT-1 comes with a over head strap from stock. We recommend purchasing some more appropriate headwear to increase comfort and make the device more easy to use.

The usual choice (which is also now included in the Navigator 500 & 520 as standard) is -

1. Realwear Workband

Remove the rear head pad and over head strap. Push the grey clips into the slots near the front of the HMT level with the camera and the boom arm.

Turning the HMT on
Press the silver power button on the boom arm side of the device. Hold the button for 3 seconds before releasing. The HMT will start and you’ll hear a chime to confirm device power on.

Positioning the device is very important!

To have the optimal experience when using the HMT, it’s important to have the device placed correctly on you head. Follow the below the steps below:

Note: Everyone’s vision is different. These are general instructions for first fitting. It’s important to adjust to fit yourself after, this is designed to use with glasses, safety googles, visors and masks, but the adjustment will be different. The main things that need to happen is the top pivot is pointing backwards and the Display pod is not obscuring your vision all the time.

Ensure the HMT is sat in the neutral position:

Place the HMT on your head, making sure that the HMT frame is at a right angle to your ears going across the middle of the back of your head. The camera should be level with your eye line

Should you be using the headband with Long hair

The Display should be slightly below your eyeline, but in the Centre of your vision as demonstrated by Nicola below, Optimal is with Hair down or a Low ponytail

Hair down

Nicola HD

Hair Up

If you are wearing your hair up, a Low Ponytail is probably best to keep positioning correct

Nicola Low PT

A Ponytail higher up pushes the rear of the headband upwards & pushing the front down as seen below

Nicola High PT

Move the display pod into the centre of your vision

Ensure the display pod is a few CM in front of your eye and should sit below the view of your eye when you look straight ahead. The pod should sit a finger’s width off the cheekbone, angle the display pod upwards.

Once this is done, play with the Display Pod until all four corners of the display are visible with no blurring. If you are wearing PPE, adjust the boom arm slightly to allow for your PPE.

Updated on: 31/07/2023

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